
Designing of machines and equipment


Laboratory of Applied Tests


Assessment of products' conformity


Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute from European Funds

Research and Development Projects

According to the statute of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology the scope of the Institute’s basic activity includes as follows:

  • a realization of research and development projects,
  • an adaptation of research and development projects’ results to industrial needs,
  • an implementation of research and development projects’ results to industrial practice.

The projects, realized within the a.m. activity, in most cases have a character of applied and development research, i.e. they are undertaken to get new knowledge aiming at substantial practical applications or they consist in using the gained earlier knowledge for a development of new or an improvement of existing solutions.

The subject-matter of R&D projects, conducted within the framework of the a.m. activity, is of a general character and it is of a scope as broad as possible.

It is established on the base of an analysis of novel issues getting ahead of market needs. The results of these projects form a fundamental basis of knowledge indispensable for developing ordered projects.

The projects are developed, among others, in the following fields:

  1. Smart mechatronic systems.
  2. Innovative solutions controlling hazards and increasing work safety.
  3. Innovative transportation systems for conveying people in minerals’ production plants.
  4. Technologies and technical means for a beneficiation and a classification of minerals.
  5. Environment management in industrial areas.
  6. Technologies and methods for environmental protection.
  7. Smart solutions in supply, control, diagnostic and monitoring systems of machines and equipment.
  8. Innovative hydraulic and pneumatic systems of machines and equipment.
  9. Innovative drive systems.

The KOMAG Institute also realizes research-and-development projects, basing on contracts concluded with producers of machines and equipment, their users and authorities of towns, communes and other customers in the scope given below:

  • Winding machines and equipment.
  • Transportation equipment.
  • Powered roof supports.
  • Power hydraulics and hydraulic systems.
  • Cutting and auxiliary machines.
  • Explosion-proof equipment.
  • Equipment for ventilation and dust control in roadway workings.
  • Equipment for “small mechanization”.
  • Electric equipment of explosion-proof machines and equipment.
  • Mechatronic systems for machines and equipment.
  • Internet of Things.