Expert's opinions

  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology was appointed as an Expert for mining plant maintenance in the group XI – powered roof supports, and it has authorization issued by the President of the State Mining Authority (Decision No. GG.780.1.2012 of 16 February 2012) as regards issuing opinion about the possibility of using different types of powered roof supports in one longwall panel, including both technical parameters of roof supports and mining-and-geological conditions of a given longwall panel (§ 440 item 8 of the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 28 June 2002 on occupational safety, maintenance and special special fire-fighting systems in underground mining plants, Journal of Laws 2002, No. 139, item 1169 with further amendments)
  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology was appointed as an Expert for maintenance of mining plant in the following groups:
    • group Ia – hoisting machines – mechanical part – in activities given in § 457 item 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 28 June 2002 on occupational safety, maintenance and special special fire-fighting systems in underground mining plants (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 139, item 1169 with further amendments) and in items,,, sub-item 1), sub-item 2) and sub-item 6) of the Annex No. 4 of the Regulation,
    • group VI – Koepe pulleys – in activities given in w § 457 item 3 of the Regulation,

and it has authorization issued by the President of the State Mining Authority (Decision No. GEM.480.11.2013 of 26 June 2013).